Common mistakes made by users of Technology

Technology is made to facilitate human to perform its activities in day-to-day. So from that technology continues to grow from year to year, and more easily done. But now the technology is advanced, and humans will also get the difficulties faced by every .In These humans have addictive diseases in using technology, and the pattern of old technology users who end up in error due to technology.
Error In Using Technology Tool:

1. Elevator button
Elevators or better known by the name of this elevator is already helping us, especially on workers perkatoran.Jika we use this tool then we will quickly to the destination for example from the first floor to lanati nine, and vice versa if we use the ladder of course we will spend a very time Many and of course we will also be exhausted. For now there is a technology tool called "elevator", the lift is very useful for us, this tool will take us vertically to the floor that we are headed.There are some things we need to know from the button Close this elevator, the function of the lift button on the elevator has been removed function since 1990 with this elevator will open longer.So you guys do not hope this elevator door will close quickly.

2.Connect to wifi without password in public place
If this one, of course you often do it. There are things you need to know in the use of wifi for free, wifi that you use not know you who owns but only the origin use it. Possible wifi this can come from the router that has been inserted script to steal data Which is your account username and password.

3.Charger in Public Places
Surely you've done this, maybe something very ordinary to you but this can lead to the theft of data in the form of photos or video made by hackers. And where the charger is connected by a USB port without adapters, it's very dangerous.

4. Turn on the air conditioner at low temperature
Because you feel the heat in a room, surely you will set the temperature of the air conditioner in your room with the maximum fan speed. By adjusting the air conditioner at the lowest temperature, surely you will expect your room will be cold.Can you do it is just useless because AC will Quickly breaks down if you use it that way. And your activities will make the electric swells swell.

5. Frequent Pressing F5 to refresh on computer
Surely you know the F5 key on the computer keyboard that serves to refresh. Do you know that such activities are done too often it will make the burden on the computer becomes heavy.

6.Creating Mobile Application when in front of PC
Surely everyone has tried this, open social media apps on smartphones and, you also open social media it on PC.Tindakan that will make you waste time, not too important, work activities will be disrupted. Should you mebuka mobile application directly from PC only .
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