The functionality of Google Assistant that you do not know yet

For those of you who already know about the artificial applications from Google, such as Google Assistant.Tentunya all people tahun.Terlalu sophisticated Google Assistant this can rival SIRI from Apple.

Attractive function from Google Assistant

1. Know the places of interest
Google Assistant has a very unique ability that is able to know interesting places to visit around anda.Sekarang you can use google assistant to know the right holidays for you.

2.Could be used to call the name
Google Assistant can call your name with a certain name, google assistant this you can use to play, google this can call your name with another name.

3. Search for photos quickly
Google Assistant is able to find photos quickly, if you find it difficult to find photos that are difficult to find you can use google assistant.

4. Unlock the phone
Teenagers are now using a lot of patterns or other passwaord to lock the screen mobile phone. Not infrequently sabagai owner find it difficult to open it or forget the password. To solve it, you can use google assistant to help unlock your phone screen lock.You can also use Which is more secure but not complicated, then you need to sign in to Google Assistant-Voice-Ok Google-Enable Trusted Voice.

5. Search for Email
Google Assistant can also be used to search email.If you communicate using email and have problems looking for email names.You can use google assistant to find emails from the many emails that exist.

That's a function of Google Assistant that you should try, if you need information about the world of IT or want to find web information, you can see it in Bali Web Developers.

