How to Create a Website on a Smartphone

Currently internet users in the world very much, with it the number of websites continues to grow. Many websites you can find on the internet, you easily find anything you need on the internet. So what you are interested in having a website? certainly surely

Currently, you can create a website using android.Website which is a collection of content in which contains text, images, sound and still.Many kinds of websites that you can choose. How to create a website on android
1.First, you can download the Wordpress app, with you download the application you can easily to create a website.

2.After that, you can open a WordPress account. When you create an account and at the same time you already have a website address on wordpress.

3.Next, you can go to CMS page (Content Management System), there you can process your website.

4.If you want to provide content on your website, you can press the create button after that you can create content as you like. Not just write, you can also add images or other media.

5.To beautify the website, you can choose a suitable theme for your website.

That's a little information, please visit the site Bali Web Developers

