The characteristics of a phishing site

Phishing is usually found on the login page to retrieve someone's data, phishing which is a cyber crime that lures people.Here to avoid from phishing sites.

1.The show shown is similar to the original, so not one of the many victims.Untuk more observant, you can compare it there is a mistake on the site for example on the caption or buttonnya.

2. If you note the address on the website there is a mistake. Phishing stage does have mirib with the original site but the website address or url there must be a different because it may not address the same as the original site. Usually cyber will spend every way to try memiribkan with the original website.

3. There are some sites that provide security guarantees by equipping with https but login page must have been believed to equip with HTTPS.

4. There are some links that can not be accessed. If you want to prove that the original site or not you can also by trying all the sites on the website whether everything is accessible or not.

5. At the time of entering the username or password often the failure instead of the contrary, if you enter the wrong data can actually detected. That little information may be useful do not forget to visit the Bali Web Developers.

